St Lukes Smithton will be closed from January 26 to February 7 and will reopen at 9:30am on February 10.

St Lukes Southern Osteoarthritis Pilot Program Terms and Conditions

St Lukes Southern Osteoarthritis Pilot Program Terms and Conditions

St Lukes terms and conditions

Program Eligibility

1.      You may be eligible for the St Lukes Osteoarthritis Pilot Program (The Program) if you meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria of The Program:

a.      You have a primary diagnosis of hip or knee osteoarthritis;

b.      You have been a St Lukes member for 12 months or longer;

c.       You currently hold St Lukes Hospital  cover that includes hip/knee joint replacement;

d.      Your membership payments are up to date;

e.      You can commit to the full program and attend the scheduled sessions at the scheduled location and times.

2.     Submitting your interest in The Program, does not guarantee that you are eligible for The Program or guarantee you a place in The Program.

3.     You must obtain a referral to The Program from a General Practitioner (GP) at your own cost. The referral must confirm your diagnosis of knee or hip osteoarthritis, address the eligibility criteria, and be provided to the Keiser Physiotherapist at your initial consult.  The eligibility criteria that your GP or Specialist must address are:

a.      A primary diagnosis of hip or knee Osteoarthritis (evident on plain x-ray);

b.      You have experienced pain at a level 4/10 or higher over the last month; and

c.       You are a candidate for hip or knee replacement surgery in the next three years.

4.     The Program is limited to a maximum of 100 (one hundred) eligible members. Final eligibility for formal enrolment is determined by St Lukes and Keiser Australia.  

5.    If you are formally enrolled in The Program, your place in The Program is funded by St Lukes. You are responsible for meeting all other costs associated with The Program, including (but not limited to) your travel to and from The Program, clothing, footwear, food, drink etc.

6.    You can only participate in The Program once and if you participate in The Program you will not be eligible to participate in any other osteoarthritis pilot program offered by St Lukes.

 Third Party Service Provider & Privacy Policy

7.     The Program will be provided by Kieser Australia and if you are formally enrolled in The Program, you will receive services from Kieser Australia as part of The Program.

8.     Kieser Australia can cease to provide The Program if Kieser Australia and/or St Lukes decide, in their own discretion, that The Program is not assisting participants. 

9.     The Program will run for 20 weeks and if you are formally enrolled in The Program, you must participate in The Program until it ends (subject to paragraph 11 below).

10.  You can choose to end your participation in The Program if your GP deems you unfit to continue participation in The Program and/or recommends that surgery is the best form of treatment for you. You must notify either Healthy Business or St Lukes of your decision to unenroll from The Program and provide supporting evidence from your GP.

11.   St Lukes is not liable to you for any injury, loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused or arising directly or indirectly in connection with The Program and the services or information supplied either by St Lukes or Kieser Australia in connection with The Program, except to the extent that such liability may not be lawfully limited or excluded.


12.   St Lukes will collect, store, and use personal information about you in accordance with St Lukes’ Privacy Policy, which is available on our website.

13.   Kieser Australia will collect, store, and use personal information about you in accordance with Kieser Australia’s Privacy Policy, which is available on their website.

14.   You authorise your Medical Practitioner to share personal information about you, including health information, with St Lukes and Kieser Australia in connection with The Program.