St Lukes Smithton will be closed from January 26 to February 7 and will reopen at 9:30am on February 10.

Imagine how a change of outlook can change your outcome.

Join us, as we work to make Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet.

At St Lukes, we’re committing to make Tasmanians healthier. We know there’s a problem to solve. We also know that no one person, organisation or government can do it on their own. As a Tasmanian not-for-profit organisation, we’re going to be part of the solution. We’re imagining a healthier Tasmania –  one where people are informed, empowered and confident about their health and their choices. This is what we’re doing to help make it a reality.
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We’re focusing on generational change

At St Lukes, we want to help create a generation of Tasmanians free from vaping and smoking. That’s why we’ve made a submission to the Therapeutic Goods Administration and called on the government to implement changes that will result in improved health outcomes for the next generation of Tasmanians. 

Vaping is rife among our children and young adults. All over the state, our youth are being lured by Big Tobacco to take up a habit which is likely to lead to addiction, chronic disease, and premature death, the same way cigarettes did for generations of Tasmanians who became addicted to tobacco smoking. 

A recent survey of our members revealed high levels of concern about vaping and vaping products, with almost 90 percent of respondents stating they would support a vaping ban. It also found 95 per cent of members surveyed were concerned about vaping as a health issue, with almost 80 per cent stating they were “very concerned”. 

We understand that some people may find our stance on vaping controversial, but we stand by our commitment to making Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet. We believe that by advocating for a ban on nicotine-containing vaping, we can prevent the potential harm that this habit-forming behaviour is likely to cause to our community. It’s a necessary step to achieve our goal of generational change and improved health outcomes for all Tasmanians. 

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We’re helping more Tasmanians make sense of the complex health system.

Whether it’s preparing for hospital, understanding what to expect in hospital, or being ready for when you come home, we know a lot of people struggle to navigate the healthcare system. Our new service helps to demystify the state’s healthcare system, putting Tasmanians on the right track to better health and wellbeing.  Health Navigators listen to your needs and work with you to provide the information and services to take the next steps on your health journey*. Health navigation is a free service and is offered to everyone, not only St Lukes members.  

Find out more about this service.

*All information provided through health navigation is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified healthcare professional.

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We understand that prevention is better than cure

We’re taking practical steps to promote early intervention and prevention of health issues that affect many Tasmanians. 

For example, our pilot program in partnership with Kieser Australia an allied network of exercise scientists, exercise physiologists and physiotherapists - is designed to help reduce pain for people living with hip or knee osteoarthritis.

We’ve also partnered with the Healthy Heart Network, and we have launched a pilot program to help prevent catastrophic cardiac events and reduce cardiac interventional services through early assessment via a virtual heart check. 

Find out more about our programs.

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We know that more needs to be done to improve the oral health of Tasmanians

We are determined to improve our state’s oral health. There are currently 13,989 Tasmanians on the waiting list for non-urgent dental care. High costs, challenging access and overall low levels of oral health literacy has created a significant burden for our health system. 

That’s why we’re working with oral health practitioners and the government to identify opportunities to impact meaningful change, by addressing information, affordability and access for all Tasmanians. 

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We’re rolling our sleeves up and getting involved where a gap exists

We’re always on the lookout for where we can help improve health outcomes. 

We’ve developed a chronic disease management program that works with our chronically unwell members to understand their health needs, educate them and assist them to achieve better health outcomes. We do this through monthly nursing in-home visits, with our member’s circle of care involved as much as they need. 

At St Lukes, we offer a choice for post-natal care in Tasmania’s North and North West.  We are proud to provide our members a personalised private post-natal service.  This service allows mothers and families the opportunity to rest and care for their baby while being supported by midwives and lactation consultants. 

Find out more about our private post-natal service.

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We’re present in the community

We continue to look for opportunities to be in more Tasmanian communities to be there for you, face-to-face. Even our call centre is based right here in Tasmania. 

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We're advocating for the best regional health systems

We believe every Tasmanian should have access to the right care in the right setting, no matter where they live. 
In early 2024 when Calvary Healthcare reneged on its proposed co-located private hospital within the Launceston General Hospital (LGH) precinct, we called on the government to bring key stakeholders together, to explore and exhaust all avenues to deliver an integrated public-private health acute care model for the north of the state.  
St Lukes has been a strong advocate for the project since 2018. We surveyed members and northern healthcare partners on their expectations of a holistic, collaborative public-private health system. Our member feedback helped guide the service planning.  
We will continue to work across all sides of politics to ensure the co-location hospital is delivered. In the meantime, St Lukes plans to engage with Calvary to understand how they now intend to meet the needs of the northern Tasmanian community through their existing facilities. We remain open to collaborating to reach a positive outcome.

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We focus on getting the basics of health insurance right

Our focus will always be health insurance that offers value. We know that being able to provide affordable health insurance is important for Tasmanians. We also know it’s important for our members to get the right level of cover at the right price.  

It’s always been this way, since St Lukes started 70 years ago, right here in Tasmania. 

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We’re taking customer experience to the next level

We know health can be a handful. So we’ve custom built our wellness hubs with only one goal in mind - to make every Tasmanian’s health journey a little easier.

Come in and learn, explore and be inspired, with regular activities like yoga, run club, nutrition classes and a lunchtime concert series.

Find out more about our events program.

This is just the beginning. We know there’s still more to do. 

You’re invited to join us, as we work to make Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet. 

Want to find out more?

Want to find out more?

Contact St Lukes today!